Chang Hyun Song, Ph.D. (2025)
Thesis: Critical Identification of Severe Accident Progression in i-SMR with Passive Core and Containment Cooling Systems
(2025.03~) Post-doctoral researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Taeseok Kim, Ph.D. (2023)
Thesis: Theoretical modeling of dropwise condensation heat transfer including length effect at low heat flux
Present Position - Professor at Jeju National University
Wonjun Choi, Ph.D. (2022)
Thesis: Development of a predictive surrogate model for effective dose to facilitate the optimization of the severe accident management guidance using machine learning technique
Present Position - KAERI
Doyoung Shin, Ph.D. (2022)
Thesis: Reflood Heat Transfer of Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Surfaces and Its Effects on Safety of Pressurized Water Reactors
Present Position - KAERI
Joongoo Jeon, Ph.D. (2022)
Thesis: Extinction Mechanism of Ultra-Lean Hydrogen Flames for Safety of Clean Energy Systems
Present Position - Professor in Jeonbuk National University
Hong Hyun Son, Ph.D. (2019), M.S (2015)
Thesis: Investigation of Receding Capillary Flow on Engineered Surfaces and its Effect on Critical Heat Flux Enhancement
Present Position - KAERI
Uiju Jeong, Ph.D. (2018)
Thesis: Boiling Heat Transfer on a Downward-facing Inclined Wall for Application to Ex-Vessel Core Catcher System
Present Position - KHNP CRI
Gwang Hyeok Seo, Ph.D. (2016)
Thesis: Enhancement of Boiling Heat Transfer for Safety of Nuclear Systems using Surface Modification Techniques
Present Position - KINS
Seung Gyu Hyeon, M.S (2025)
Thesis: Thermal-Hydraulic Behavior of Natural Circulation Small Modular Reactor Under Maritime Conditions Using MARS-KS Code
Present Position - Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN)
Geon Hyeong Lee, M.S (2024)
Thesis: A Numerical Investigation of Conjugated Heat-loss Mechanism Depending on Gas Type and Surface Emissivity of a Metal Containment Vessel in a Water-cooled Small Modular Reactor During Normal Operation
Present Position - Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Hoichul Jung, M.S (2020)
Thesis: Feasibility Study of Passive Cooling Capability of Phase Change Material Loaded in Emergency Core Tank of Small Modular Reactor ATOM Using MELCOR code
Present Position - WONIK IPS
Yeonsoo Kim, M.S (2020)
Thesis: A Methodology to Predict the Flammability of Diluted H2/CO Mixture at High Temperature: Development and Application
Present Position - HYUNDAI
Min Wook Na, M.S (2020)
Thesis: Feasibility Study on Passive Residual Heat Removal System Coupled with Dry Air Cooling Tower for Small Modular Reactor ATOM Using MARS-KS code
Present Position - KINS.
Nam Kyung Kim, M.S (2017)
Thesis: Investigation of Hydrogen Risk in the Major containment Compartments of OPR1000 under SBO and TLOFW Scenarios Using MELCOR code
Present Position - KINAC.
Jongchan Lee, M.S (2017)
Thesis: Experimental Study on Aerosol Scrubbing Efficiency of Self-priming Scrubber Nozzle Submerged in Water Pool
Present Position - FNC Technology Co.
Kyusang Song, M.S (2016)
Thesis: Evaluation of MCCI under Various Severe Accidents in OPR1000 using MELCOR code
Present Position - KHNP CRI
Yongjae Lee, M.S (2016)
Thesis: Numerical Evaluation of Effectiveness and Adverse Effect of Severe Accident Mitigation Measures for OPR1000
Present Position - KAERI
Seungwon Seo, M.S (2015)
Thesis: Evaluation of RCS mitigation Strategy with Various SAMG Entry Conditions under Severe Accident of OPR1000
Present Position - KINS
Junkyu Han, M.S (2015)
Thesis: Experimental Study of Onset of Nucleate Boiling in a Narrow Rectangular Channel at Atmospheric Pressure
Present Position - KAERI
Seongnyeon Lee, M.S (2014)
Thesis: MELCOR Analysis of RCS Depressurization Strategy and Application of Core Exit Temperature for Effective Safety Injection under Severe Accident of OPR1000
Present Position - KINS