Chang Hyun Song, Jae Hyung Park, JinHo Song, Sung Joong Kim, "Evaluation on mitigation performance of flooding safety system under hypothetical loss of coolant accident in Korean i-SMR with MELCOR code", Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 435, Issue 4, 2025.
Chang Hyun Song, JinHo Song, Sung Joong Kim, "Evaluation of accident mitigation capability of passive core and containment cooling systems of i-SMR under representative LOCA and non-LOCA conditions", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, (In Press, Corrected Proof).
Yeonha Lee, Seok Ho Song, Joon Young Bae, Kyusang Song, Mi Ro Seo, Sung Joong Kim, Jeong Ik Lee, "Surrogate model for predicting severe accident progression in nuclear power plant using deep learning methods and Rolling-Window forecast", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 208, Issue 12, 2024.
Seok Ho Song, Yeonha Lee, Jun Yong Bae, Kyu Sang Song, Mi Ro Seo, SungJoong Kim, Jeong Ik Lee, "Application of reinforcement learning to deduce nuclear power plant severe accident scenario", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 205, Issue 9, 2024.
Geon Hyeong Lee, Jae Hyung Park, Beomjin Jeong, Sung Joong Kim, "Analysis of heat-loss mechanisms with various gases associated with the surface emissivity of a metal containment vessel in a water-cooled small modular reactor", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 56, Issue 8, 2024.
Taeseok Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Vertical length effect on dropwise condensation heat transfer at low heat flux - Part II: Theoretical model suitable for non-coated metal surfaces", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 226, No. 125510, 2024.
Jae Hyung Park, Jihun Im, Hyo Jun An, Yonghee Kim, Jeong Ik Lee, Sung Joong Kim, "Development of an on-demand flooding safety system achieving long-term inexhaustible cooling of small modular reactors employing metal containment vessel", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 56, Issue 7, 2024.
Taeseok Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Vertical-length effect on dropwise condensation heat transfer at low heat flux - Part I: Experimental study", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 224, No. 125329, 2024.
JinHo Song, SungJoong Kim, "A machine learning informed prediction of severe accident progressions in nuclear power plants", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 56, Issue 6, 2024.
Juhyeong Lee, Byeonghee Lee, Sung Joong Kim, "Performance evaluation of an improved pool scrubbing system for thermally-induced steam generator tube rupture accident in OPR1000", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 56, 2024.
Won Jun Choi, Jae Hyung Park, Juhyeong Lee, Jihun Im, Yunsik Cho, Yonghee Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Experimental and numerical assessment of helium bubble lift during natural circulation for passive molten salt fast reactor", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 56, Issue 3, 2024.
Hyo Jun An, Jae Hyung Park, Chang Hyeon Song, Jeong Ik Lee, Yonghee Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Strategic analysis on sizing of flooding valve for successful accident management of small modular reactor", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 56, Issue 3, 2024.
Joongoo Jeon, Juhyeong Lee, Ricardo Vinuesa, Sung Joong Kim, "Residual-based physics-informed transfer learning: A hybrid method for accelerating long-term CFD simulations via deep learning", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 220, No. 124900, 2024.
JinHo Song, SungJoong Kim, "A machine learning diagnosis of the severe accident progression", Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 416, No. 112781, 2024.
Nasir Hayat Hengra, Chang Hyun Song, Sung Joong Kim, Muhammad Ilyas, "Assessment of corium concrete interaction and impact of water ingression mechanism using top flooding strategy for a small PWR with MELCOR 2.2." Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 182, March 2023
Chang Hyun Song, Nasir Hayat Hengra, Sung Joong Kim, and Muhammad Ilyas, "Parametric study of molten core concrete interaction and assessment of corium coolability in the light of MCCI experiments" Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 166, November 2023
Chang Hyun Song, Joon Young Bae, and Sung Joong Kim. "Numerical analysis on in-core ignition and subsequent flame propagation to containment in OPR1000 under loss of coolant accident." Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 54, Issue 8, 2022
Doyoung Shin, Sung Joong Kim, "Intrinsic effects of Cr-layered accident-tolerant fuel cladding surface on reflood heat transfer", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
Joongoo Jeon, Juhyeong Lee, Sung Joong Kim, "Finite volume method network for acceleration of unsteady computational fluid dynamics: non-reacting and reacting flows", International Journal of Energy Research.
Junhyuk Ahn, Yong Min Lee, Joongoo Jeon, Junsung Bang, Sanghyun Jeon, Ho Kun Woo, Sang Yeop Lee, Jung Ho Bae, Woosik Kim, Young Kyun Choi, Sung Joong Kim, Soong Ju Oh, "High‐Resolution Multicolor Patterning of Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Thin Films through Rapid‐Evaporation‐Assisted Strategy." Advanced Materials Technologies, Vol. 7, No. 2200031, 2022
Joongoo Jeon, Doyoung Shin, Wonjun Choi, Sung Joong Kim, "Identification of the extinction mechanism of lean limit hydrogen flames based on Lewis number effect", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 174, No. 121288, 2021.
Taeseok Kim, Doyoung Shin, Jaemin Lee, Sung Joong Kim, "Effect of layer-by-layer assembled carbon nanotube coatings on dropwise condensation heat transfer associated with non-condensable gas effect", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 175, No.121345, 2021.
Bong Seong Oh, Yonghee Kim, Sung Joong Kim, Jeong Ik Lee , "SMART with Trans-Critical CO2 power conversion system for maritime propulsion in Northern Sea Route, part 1: System design," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 149, 107792, 2021.
Bong Seong Oh, Yonghee Kim, Sung Joong Kim, Jeong Ik Lee, "SMART with trans-critical CO2 power conversion system for maritime propulsion in Northern Sea Route, part 2: Transient analysis," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 150, 107875, 2021
Kwang-Il Ahn, Soo-Yong Park, Wonjun Choi, Sung Joong Kim, "Best-practice severe accident analysis for the OPR1000 short-term SBO sequence using MELCOR2.2 and MAAP5," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 160, 108350, 2021
Joongoo Jeon, Yeon Soo Kim, Hoichul Jung, Sung Joong Kim, "A mechanistic analysis of H2O and CO2 diluent effect on hydrogen flammability limit considering flame extinction mechanism", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 53, 3286-3297, 2021.
Anil Kumar Khambampati, Kyung Youn Kim, Seop Hur, Sung Joong Kim, Jung Taek Kim, "An interactive multiple model method to identify the in-vessel phenomenon of a nuclear plant during a severe accident from the outer wall temperature of the reactor vessel," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 53(2), pp. 532-548, 2020.
Joongoo Jeon, Sung Joong Kim, "Recent Progress in Hydrogen Flammability Prediction for the Safe Energy Systems", Energies, Vol. 13(23), No. 6263, 2020.
Uiju Jeong, Sung Joong Kim, "Semi-Mechanistic Prediction of Spatial Variation of Local Critical Heat Flux for Saturated Pool Boiling along a Slightly Inclined Surface Facing Downward," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 119, No. 104909, 2020.
Doyoung Shin, Joongoo Jeon, Taeseok Kim, Jae Hyung Park, Sung Joong Kim, "Development of the thermal performance model using temperature gradient analysis for optimized design of steam surface condenser," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 163, No. 120411, 2020.
Yeon Soo Kim, Joongoo Jeon, Chang Hyun Song, Sung Joong Kim, "Improved prediction model for H2/CO combustion risk using a calculated non-adiabatic flame temperature model," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 52(12), pp. 2836-2846, 2020.
Min Wook Na, Doyoung Shin, Jae Hyung Park, Jeong Ik Lee, Sung Joong Kim, "Indefinite sustainability of passive residual heat removal system of small modular reactor using dry air cooling tower," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 52(5), pp. 964-974, 2020.
Hong Hyun Son, Namgook Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Nano/microscale roughness control of accident-tolerant Cr-and CrAl-coated surfaces to enhance critical heat flux," Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 167, No. 114786, 2020.
Namgook Kim, Hong Hyun Son, Sung Joong Kim, "Oxidation effect on pool boiling critical heat flux enhancement of Cr-coated surface for accident-tolerant fuel cladding application," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 144, No. 118655, 2019.
Hong Hyun Son, Sung Joong Kim, "Role of receding capillary flow correlating nano/micro scale surface roughness and wettability with pool boiling critical heat flux," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 138, pp. 985-1001, 2019.
Joongoo Jeon, Wonjun Choi, Sung Joong Kim, "A flammability limit model for hydrogen-air-diluent mixtures based on heat transfer characteristics in flame propagation," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 1749-1757, 2019.
Doyoung Shin, Min Wook Na, Jeong Ik Lee, Yonghee Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Performance criterion of an indirect dry air-cooled condenser for small modular reactor based on pressure transition temperature," International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 43(14), pp. 8190-8203, 2019.
Hong Hyun Son, Yun Sik Cho, Sung Joong Kim, "Experimental study of saturated pool boiling heat transfer with FeCrAl and Cr-layered vertical tubes under atmospheric pressure," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 128, pp. 418-430, 2019.
Doyoung Shin, Jae-sung Kwon, Taeseok Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Local heat transfer characteristics of natural circulation flow inside an 8x8 partial spent fuel assembly under dry storage", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 128, pp. 431-442, 2019.
Joongoo Jeon, Yeon Soo Kim, Wonjun Choi, Sung Joong Kim, "Identification of hydrogen flammability in steam generator compartment of OPR1000 using MELCOR and CFX codes", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 1939-1950, 2019.
Byung Gi Park, Seungjin Seo, Sung Joong Kim, Ji Hyun Kim, Sungyeol Choi, "Meso-scale multi-physics full coupling within porous CRUD deposits on nuclear fuel," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 512, pp. 100-117, 2018.
Joongoo Jeon, Wonjun Choi, Nam Kyung Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Numerical investigation of in-vessel core coolability of PWR through an effective safety injection flow model using MELCOR simulation," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 121, pp. 350-360, 2018.
Wonjun Choi, Taeseok Kim, Joongoo Jeon, Nam Kyung Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Effect of Molten Corium Behavior Uncertainty on the Severe Accident Progress," Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Vol. 2018, pp. 1-15, 2018.
Taeseok Kim, Wonjun Choi, Joongoo Jeon, Nam Kyung Kim, Hoichul Jung, Sung Joong Kim, "A Conceptual Approach to Eliminate Bypass Release of Fission Products by In-Containment Relief Valve under SGTR Accident," Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Vol. 2018, pp. 1-12, 2018.
Hong Hyun Son, Namgook Kim, Sung Joong Kim, "Novel measurement of receding wicked liquid responsible for critical heat flux enhancement", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 124, pp. 150-157, 2018
Uiju Jeong, Hong Hyun Son, Sung Joong Kim, "Influence of the aligned flow obstacles on critical heat flux in two-phase boundary layer flow under a low flow condition", Vol. 121, pp. 1234-1250, 2018
Wonjun Choi, Seon Oh Yu, Sung Joong Kim, "Efficacy analysis of hydrogen mitigation measures of CANDU containment under LOCA scenario", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 118, pp. 122-130, 2018
Nam Kyung Kim, Joongoo Jeon, Wonjun Choi, Sung Joong Kim, "Systematic hydrogen risk analysis of OPR 1000 containment before RPV failure under station blackout scenario", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 116, pp. 429-438, 2018
Uiju Jeong and Sung Joong Kim, "Subcooling effect on boiling heat transfer of inclined downward-facing surface under low flow and pressure", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 127, pp. 182-195, 2018
Gwanghyeok Seo, Hong Hyun Son, Uiju Jeong, Doyoung Shin, Sung Joong Kim, “Effects of Layer-by-Layer Assembled PEI/MWCNT Surfaces on Enhanced Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 109, pp. 564-576, 2017
Wonjun Choi, Hwan-Yeol Kim, Rae-Joon Park, Sung Joong Kim, “Effectiveness and adverse effects of in-vessel retention strategies under a postulated SGTR accident of an OPR1000”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 54, Issue 3, pp. 337-347, 2017
Yongjae Lee, Wonjun Choi, Sung Joong Kim, “Efficacy assessment of independent severe accident mitigation measures in OPR1000 using MELCOR code”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 54, Issue 1, pp. 89-100, 2017
Hong Hyun Son, Kyusang Song, Uiju Jeong, Gyoodong Jeun, Sung Joong Kim, “Effects of flow obstacles on pool boiling critical heat flux of a downward-facing metal heater”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 80, pp. 313-326, 2017
Seon Oh Yu, Yong Jin Cho, Sung Joong Kim, "Effect of emergency core cooling system flow reduction on channel temperature during recirculation phase of break loss-of-coolant accident at Wolsong unit 1", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 49, Issue 5, pp. 979-988, 2017
Hong Hyun Son, Gwanghyeok Seo, Uiju Jeong, Doyoung Shin, Sung Joong Kim, "Capillary wicking effect of a Cr-sputtered superhydrophilic surface on enhancement of pool boiling critical heat flux", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 113, pp. 115-128, 2017
Seunghyeon Lee, Gwang Hyeok Seo, Sanghyeok Lee, Uiju Jeong, Sang Jun Lee, Sung Joong Kim, Wonjoon Choi, “Layer-by-Layer carbon nanotube coatings for enhanced pool boiling heat transfer on metal surfaces”, Carbon, Vol.107, pp. 607-618, 2016
Gwang Hyeok Seo, Gyoodong Jeun, Sung Joong Kim, “Enhanced pool boiling critical heat flux with a FeCrAl layer fabricated by DC sputtering”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 102, pp. 1293-1307, 2016
Hong Hyun Son, Uiju Jeong, Gwang Hyeok Seo, Sung Joong Kim. "Oxidation effect on the pool boiling critical heat flux of the carbon steel substrates." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 93, pp.1008-1019, 2016
Yongjae Lee, Wonjun Choi, Seungwon Seo, Hwan-Yeol Kim, Sung Joong Kim, “Development of safety injection flow map associated with target depressurization for effective severe accident management of OPR1000”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 10, pp. 1502-1512, 2016
Uiju Jeong, Tae-Joon Kim, Yun Ho Kim, Hong Hyun Son, Gwang Hyeok Seo, Sung Joong Kim. "Numerical evaluation of SmCo permanent magnet flowmeter measuring sodium flow in a low flow rate regime using FLUENT/MHD module." Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 53, 2, pp. 173-183, 2016
Doyoung Shin, Uiju Jeong, Gyoodong Jeun, and Sung Joong Kim, "CFD Analysis of Natural Convection Flow Characteristics of Various Gases in the Spent Fuel Dry Storage System," The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 19-28, 2016
Gwang Hyeok Seo, Gyoodong Jeun, and Sung Joong Kim. "Pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of zircaloy and SiC claddings in deionized water at low pressure." Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 64, pp.42-53, 2015
Seungwon Seo, Yongjae Lee, Seongnyeon Lee, Hwan-Yeol Kim, Sung Joong Kim “Effectiveness and adverse effects of reactor coolant system depressurization strategy with various severe accident management guidance entry conditions for OPR1000”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52, 5, pp.695-708, 2015.
Gwang Hyeok Seo, Hayoung Hwang, Jongwoong Yoon, Taehan Yeo, Hong Hyun Son, Uiju Jeong, Gyoodong Jeun, Wonjoon Choi, Sung Joong Kim “Enhanced critical heat flux with single-walled carbon nanotubes bonded on metal surfaces”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 60, pp. 138-147, 2015.
Gwang Hyeok Seo, Hong Hyun Son, Sung Joong Kim “Numerical analysis of RBHT reflood experiments using MARS 1D and 3D modules”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52, 1, 70-84, 2015.
Sung Joong Kim, David Carpenter, Gordon Kohse, Lin-wen Hu “Hydride fuel irradiation in MITR-II: Thermal design and validation results”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 277,1, PP. 1-14, 2014.
Seongnyeon Lee, Kwang Soon Ha, Hwan-Yeol Kim., Sung Joong Kim “Validation of RCS depressurization strategy and core coolability map for independent scenarios of SBLOCA, SBO, and TLOFW”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51, 2, pp.181, 2014.
Yun Ho Kim, Jengsoo Kang, Doh-Yun Jang, Jae Bum Son, Yong-Kyun Kim, Sung Joong Kim. “Analysis of the ambient dose variation due to cosmic rays in Daejeon by using a neutron monitor”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 63, 11, pp.2262, 2013.
Sung Joong Kim, Hyungdae Kim “Boiling heat transfer of nanofluids - Special emphasis on critical heat flux”, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 7, 3, pp.184-197, 2013.
Jeongsoo Kang, Yunho Kim, Jae Bum Son, Doh Yun Jang, Yong-Kyun Kim and Sung Joong Kim, “Comparing Hadronic Models of GEANT4 for the Neutron Monitor Response Function”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp. 1228∼1233, 2013.
Uiju Jeong, Yun Ho Kim, Jong-Man Kim, Tae-Joon Kim, Sung Joong Kim, “Experimental evaluation of permanent magnet probe flowmeter measuring high temperature liquid sodium flow in the ITSL”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 265, pp.566-575, 2013.
Sung Joong Kim, L. W. Hu, F. Dunn, “Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis for High Enrichment Uranium (HEU) and Low Enrichment Uranium (LEU) Transitional Core Conversion of the MIT Research Reactor", scheduled for publication in Nuclear Technology, Vol. 182, 3, pp.315-334, 2013.
Sung Joong Kim, T. McKrell, J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, “Subcooled Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Dilute Alumina, Zinc Oxide, and Diamond Nanofluids at Atmospheric Pressure”, Invited for publication in Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 240, pp. 1186-1194, 2010.
Sung Joong Kim, T. McKrell, J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, “Experimental Study of Flow Critical Heat Flux in Alumina-Water, Zinc-oxide-Water and Diamond-Water Nanofluids”, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 131, pp. 043204:1-7, 2009.
Sung Joong Kim, T. McKrell, J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, “Enhancement of Flow Boiling Critical Heat Flux (CHF) in Alumina/Water Nanofluids”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 2, pp. 100-102, 2009.
Sung Joong Kim, T. McKrell, J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, “Alumina Nanoparticles Enhance the Flow Boiling Critical Heat Flux of Water at Low Pressure”, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 130, 044501 – 03, 2008.
J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, Sung Joong Kim, R. Hannink, B. Truong, E. Forrest, “Nanofluids for Enhanced Economics and Safety of Nuclear Reactors: an Evaluation of the Potential Features, Issues, and Research Gaps”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 162, pp. 80-91, 2008.
Sung Joong Kim, I. C. Bang, J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, “Surface Wettability Change during Pool Boiling of Nanofluids and its Effect on Critical Heat Flux”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, 4105-4116, 2007.
Sung Joong Kim, I. C. Bang, J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, “Study of Pool Boiling and Critical Heat Flux Enhancement in Nanofluids”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Science, Vol. 55, No. 2, 211-216, 2007 (Invited paper).
Sung Joong Kim, I. C. Bang, J. Buongiorno, L. W. Hu, “Effects of Nanoparticles Deposition on Surface Wettability Influencing Boiling Heat Transfer in Nanofluids”, Applied Physics Letter, Vol. 89, 153107, Issue 15, 2006. (Selected for the October 23, 2006 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)
Y. H. Kim, Sung Joong Kim, K. Y. Suh, J. L. Rempe, F. B. Cheung, S. B. Kim, “Internal Vessel Cooling Feasibility Attributed by Critical Heat Flux in Inclined Rectangular Gap”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 154, pp. 13-40, 2006.
Y. H. Kim, Sung Joong Kim, J. J. Kim, S. W. Noh, K. Y. Suh, J. L. Rempe, F. B. Cheung, S. B. Kim, “Visualization of Boiling Phenomena in Inclined Rectangular Gap”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 31, pp. 618-642, 2005.